The Power of Silence

America, the land of the first amendment is where we find citizens silent with each other as we can no longer talk to each other about politics. We’ve disinvited people from our inner circles, our holiday parties and New Years celebrations. We’ve stopped talking to relatives who will “never see eye-to-eye.” The algorithm has ensured we prefer to surround ourselves in our own echo chambers. 

Silence or censorship is one of the main tools that the powers that be use to control you. Censorship has been baked into the algorithms for decades, so at this point we gladly self-censor. 

Putin and the others who dislike democracy could not be happier as they watch what happens elections are won with the dollars received from billionaires and Elon Musk now rents the presidency of Donald Trump.

TPTB have thoroughly divided the nation with the tool of deflection by way of focusing the algorithms on all the media channels (X (Twitter), Facebook, YouTube, Disney, Amazon, etc) dialed into hate, fear, rage and the smaller issues like trans people bucking the system, or the symptom of inflation, rather than any news that will educate the masses about causes of inflation; Record corporate profits hidden as inflation. 

Stand In Your Truth And Encourage Others To Join

We should not be fighting but standing in our truths and encouraging others to join us. 

Instead we’ve been mind controlled to accept the programming of social ‘etiquette’ were taking politics or spirituality in social settings is frowned upon. So we self censor 

Then there is the self censorship created from the the hate and fear for the algorithm made about the other side. This divide has tricked us to continue to fight over which is the lesser of two evils. The left or the right. We hate the other side so much we are blinded to the fact that the left and the right are owned by the same master. The dollar, and those with the control of the dollar who owns everything 

We are a species who’s power comes from the fact that we are unique in having the ability to create our own reality through thought, words and action. The only way we can change our shared matrix within this realm is by conversing about it! 

Make it a personal policy that it be okay to talk about religion and politics and only be tabu to engage with others in a toxic, or negative way.

As above, so below is bidirectional, which is why it is so important to engage with those who you disagree, because if we talk to our friends and families who we normally self censor with, then as countrymen we talk to each other and heal as a nation. 

I encourage you to unblock people who you disagree with, show up to that uncomfortable family gathering, talk politics at the bar or social gathering and engage with those who you disagree with, but do so by speaking to the truths of what we agree about and engage in that!

What kind of life is it anyways if everyone always agreed with everyone? We would not learn anything. Learn to engage with what we agree with and only let go of others who refuse to  stand in the truth of agreeing about anything. Self censorship only gives our power to others. 

I encourage you to engage, especially with those who you disagree with so we can take our power back!