Understand that there is always a positive to a negative, a Yin to the Yang. You can be expert about a plant, or the the plant may make you an expert about things. This site is missioned towards the latter. Not only do I advocate for the weed industry, but a weed civilization. The world is in need of healers.  

Shifting Perspective

During one of our (rare) family holiday meals my grandfather asked my father, “why do you smoke weed?”. There was silence at the table as my father took a pause, collected his thoughts and said, “sometimes when I am looking at a problem or trying to make a decision, weed will allow me to see things from a different perspective and I may find an answer or a solution that I would not have thought of otherwise”. 

I thought this was a brilliant answer. Let me take it a step further. Throughout my life, weed has allowed me to take a look at things through a different persecutive, thus I am not the guru of ganja, but I am a guru because of ganja. Life is all about perspective and perspective is all about pattern recognition. 

Disclaimer: The information here should not be considered medical advice. Always consult a trusted, licensed and reputable healthcare professional. 

Everything in excess is bad. Drinking, sex, partying, exercise, eating, and yes weed. They’re all bad in excess, excess of all of those habits can lead to death. You can die from drinking too much water!

Though this site is pro weed, We do not recommend people consume cannabis in large quantities until their brain is fully developed. And regardless of age, if schizophrenia runs in your gene pool, weed should most likely be avoided. But then again, so should alcohol, or any substance that alters ones state for recreation. 

Thought cannabinoids are stellar, their recreational use is typically bad for a damaged mind. Though some cannabinoids like CBG, may help ease anxiety and other issues. 

That being said, this is how consuming cannabis can enhance your mind. 

Below is my observations on how cannabis has shaped my life and how I believe it is the key to healing a very broken world. 

Pro Tip #1. Find the Patterns. 

Question: What makes one a guru, expert, or pro?

Answer:  Recognizing patterns. 

A skilled comedian has found the patterns, that bring crowds of people to laugh hard. A seasoned actor, knows the patterns, to seem genuine and believable. A professional athlete knows the patterns that make them excel in their sport, from the race car driver or GS skier who knows the patterns of good entrance and exit corners, to the batter who knows the pattern of a home run swing, or the cohesive team that knows the patterns to move a ball down a court of field. Recognizing and than remembering patterns is key to mastering anything!

What patterns could weed possibly show me? 

As Above, So Below – The Macrocosm vs. The Microcosm.

Cannabindoids have been proven to put cells into homeostasis. Homeostasis means keeping conditions inside your cells stable, this can be thought of as a maintenance cycle, where the cell makes the effort to take in what it needs and release what it does not need. This is how some types of cancer cells will die when they come into contact with a cannabinoid like THC. 

This is the reason why marijuana often makes people sleepy, thirsty, or hungry after consuming cannabis. If the cells are dehydrated, the larger organism is thirsty. If the cells lack nutrients, the larger organism is hungry. If the cells need rest, the larger organism needs sleep. 

Choosing cannabis after a long days work will put your cells into homeostasis. The only way you can be a guru is if your physical body is in balance. Cannabis can be used as a tool to help place a body into homeostasis. 

When we think about the physical body we often visualize our muscles, skin, bones, etc. So many of us forget out the brain. The mind exists through the brain, the brain is an organ no different than our heart or your biceps. When we eat a healthy diet, and exercise those things get bigger and look esthetically more pleasing.  The same is true for the mind. If our mind is not balanced, we cannot come up with rational thoughts because we are unbalanced. The only way you can reason is if your mind is balanced!

I ask you, which mind is more likely to find the patterns in things? 

  • The mind who’s physical body is in homeostasis? 
  • The mind who’s cells are lacking balance? 

The choice is clear. As below, so above. If you try cannabis and it always makes you hungry, or sleepy, take note of what you need. I encourage you to take this a step further and eat a snack, rehydrate, or rest if think you are lacking in those aspects BEFORE you consume cannabis, then see where your mind takes you. 

The key to becoming a guru in anything is having stellar pattern recognition.

  • The only way you can enhance your pattern recognition is to ensure a healthy mind.
  • The only way you can create a healthy mind is by feeding it nutrients it needs. The best nutrients for your mind exist in the perimeters of the grocery store. Everything else is poison. Designed to instantly gratify your lowerself. Processed “food” add lethargy and apathy and cloud your judgement just as easily as they add fluff to your waistline. The best guru among us sees processed foods no different than meth. Avoid.
  • You want to be the smartest person in the room? Eat clean for your body and your mind!

If you have the power to adjust your eating habits,  your body will come into balance. From healthy eating, your mind will start to rationalize things differently. Pattern recognition will adjust. Your thought process will shift to seeing things differently.

Healthy eating habits will become more appealing and start to self initiate so you move effortlessly into the space and habits of a guru. This points back to the Yin and the Yang, as I said earlier, there is always a positive to the negative.

The negative effort to start to eating healthy may feel like moving mountains, an impossible task, but when you stop appeasing your lower self, the positive part is the fact that the habit of eating healthy becomes effortless.